woof walks

welcome to woof walks, the first dog walking business created solely around the needs of your pooch. we recognize the importance of canine care and know every woof has a different story. while your lives may bustling around you, know that your furry family member is safe with us, whether it be on a run, playing with other dogs or a quick trip around the block. 

we are located in the heart of downtown ottawa, with ample access to city's endless trails and parks. this year we celebrate our five year anniversary and we invite you to join us in celebration at bruce pit on cedarview road all day on november 24th. let the furries of ottawa unite!

we wouldn't be where we are today without our wonderful woof walkers. 

Allyson French, the marathon runner, loves to tire our the most energetic of woofs by taking them on middle distance runs. 

Felix Barazan, the basketball player, who's added height makes for fun games and endless entertainment for boisterous pups.

Ashley Smith, the cuddle queen, who is able to befriend even the most snarly of pooches.

curious to see what we get up to on our walks? join us anytime! can't wait to get in touch & shake a paw. 
